Monday, October 31, 2011

ITF Action Week October 11-14th, 2011

CAW Locals from across Canada jointly participated in the annual International Transport Workers Federations (ITF)
Week of Action. Our CAW Campaign took place from October 11th through 14th this year.

“Fatigue Kills”; “Organizing the Unorganized”; “Waiting Time is Working Time” ; “Manufacturing Matters”; “Conditions in the Road Transport Sector”
have been some of the past campaigns that are specific to the transportation industry that still need attention.
This year’s campaign will deal with each of the past themes as well as “Safety Now” and “Decent Work”. 
In Canada what is very important to our industry is supporting Canadian workers and “Made in Canada Matters”.

During this “Week of Action”
We need for Canadians of all sectors of the economy to recognize “Made in Canada Matters”. In the transportation sector we need to be building,
servicing and operating Canadian made equipment with Canadian workers. Good jobs mean more local freight from raw materials, suppliers,
feeder plants, production facilities to retailers. More quality jobs would support the need to better transportation networks for these workers.
It all works hand in hand for the Canadian economy and more importantly for you and your neighbours!

Our union is calling on all levels of government to adopt Buy Canadian policies for all public purchases - one of the important policy tools to
help protect manufacturing jobs and encourage regional economic development in Canada.  Buying Canadian helps save good jobs and builds stronger communities.

Professional drivers around the world will be driving home the message to their employers – “Respect and Safety Now”, “Waiting Time is Working Time”, “Hours at Work need to be Compensated” and “Manufacturing Matters”!

Workers internationally can support each other by doing a better job of supporting their own economies locally and telling these multi-national corporations and the supporters of a world economy that communities matter! “Our Communities Matter”.  This campaign is about thinking globally and acting locally.

Our CAW Local 114 ITF/CAW canvassers included Don McIver, Dale Quinn, Eric Phillips, Morteza Maleki and Greg Gates and they handed out amongst other material surveys for the Taxi Industry and for the Road Transport Sector on issues commonly experienced throughout the globe by all workers in these sectors.

All in all it was a great experience for our members to get involved with again theis year and they have a lot of great and interesting ideas for next year’s campaign.

Bill Gaucher
CAW Road Transport President
Coordinator for CAW/ITF Campaign in BC

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